Home Community General Football Harry “come on then if you think you’re hard enough” McGuire

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      Obviously no facts whatsoever and will likely end up as nothing or a storm in a teacup, but can’t resist my second favourite pastime of a little united bashing ??

      First of course being spud bashing or as I call it mash potato ??

      Be interesting to see what comes our mind and whatever it is I’m sure united could do without it, tho it may just be a smoke screen for Woodwoodwoodward ?


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      nine nine nine

        Lovely place Mykanos.


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        Mikus LFC

          Another penalty for Man Utd…


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            Yeah, seen this earlier today – was pleased to see Judd Trump. We don’t know the full details but Harry so far has fully cooperated.

            The old chestnut of “he’s United Captain” role model blah blah blah. Yes they represent the club, the brand etc and the image/projection these days is more important than ever, but ultimately, they are young males that want to let the handbrake go and have some fun. As long as they are not breaking the law. I was going to say Private, but nothing is private these days lol.

            And no real difference to 30 years ago and Gazza the Boys in Italy. It happened back in the 90s, it happened when Robbo was Captain, it happened I’m sure in the 70s, and it will continue to happen in the present day.


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            sean the sailor

              Stevo that headline made me laugh mate ?

              Serous though I really hope maguire doesn’t get into trouble

              We were all 27 once and I hope this blows over. Hungover in a Greek prison when he could have been lifting a cup tonight. I’d say the poor chap feels awful

              I’d say the usual bullshit of a footballer being provoked By some knob

              He was drinking with a load of muppets yday. Very dangerous going to these places with a bunch of lads when you are a public figure


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              nine nine nine

                Hold on Maguire is accused of attacking the police causing injuries to them and then trying to bribe them following a physical conflict with another group of men and is due to spend another night in jail I don’t think this can just be written off as just a raucous night out.


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                  No idea of the details
                  But honestly why should we give him a break?
                  He is a role model like it or not
                  He paid stupid money to do something he loves that few can dream of
                  He owes the club a great deal
                  He can afford to pretty much what he wants in private and not have this happen
                  And lastly going on the piss anywhere during Covid is dumb as a box of frogs ?
                  What would happen if he gave the virus to half the United squad ?
                  No better than the muppets in Aberdeen

                  Ah but it’s ok because others have done

                  Yes they have and they were also entitled twats even in those “different” ages

                  Frankly a silly boy at best and depending on the actual details potentially a great deal more

                  And I’d say the same about any members of my team that acted in the same way



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                    Do find it annoying when people make allowances

                    Look at David silva or maybe James Milner or many of thousands that manage to act professional

                    I also know damn well that if most people did this even on a private holiday and their work found out they likely get the boot ?


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                      No surprise mil defends someone going mental on a bender either ?

                      Comedy gold


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                        Visited Mykonos last year. When we were there it was very busy. Why go there when you are well known and an obvious target for trouble. Really stupid when you have so much money.
                        Perhaps its the people who go there??

                        Seriously. Really stupid!


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                        sean the sailor

                          Ah stevo, I know but he’s young and when drunk is involved people regret their actions . He’s a role model but he’s human

                          I just don’t think he’s a bad lad. He just made some really silly decisions

                          Nine, if those charges are true then he’s in serious trouble but I’ve a feeling tvis will blow over


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                            Of course it will blow over. There are ways and means. Donations can be made!


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                              Fuck me he is 29 not 19
                              He is an adult
                              Sorry not for me Seany!

                              Not hard to choose a private villa with family instead of a bar in Mykonos during a pandemic

                              The Greeks are the ones saying that the 3 people arrested were kicking off before at rest and at the station and trying to bribe there way out
                              Could be the other 2 and him a totally innocent bystander caught up
                              But think it a little unlikely!!
                              Even if no charges he’s been very silly
                              Maybe I’m getting miserable in me old age ?


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                              sean the sailor

                                He’s 27 no? Still young but fair points stevo

                                He’s captain of utd and has two kids. Could have just chilled with the family

                                Very bad situation. I just feel for him
                                A small bit as he will no doubt, deeply regret his actions


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                                  Brits abroad
                                  Can’t take us anywhere ?

                                  He really couldn’t have been caught up and be innocent

                                  Like I say don’t know full details

                                  Someone posted a vid on the United page on TT he does look proper end of the night drunk

                                  Second part with a fight I can’t make anything out on me small screen

                                  Not lambasting the guy for a few beers to be fair but when I’m the public eye you have you use a little nouse!!!

                                  He will be retired in 10 years and sitting on a fortune and won’t exactly be old!

                                  Anyone squandering such wealth and opportunities are daft in my book

                                  Wonder what his wife thinks!!


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                                    And yes 27 my bad but still not a kid in my view just a numpty

                                    No doubt I was at 27 but still responsible for my actions and decisions and a good few were bad but then our lifestyle are a little different and nothing I may have done affected anyone but me and direct family ?


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                                      Sean, I think it’s a combination mate of a stigma with Brits just in general when they go abroad.

                                      They tend to go in large groups and sometimes, that doesn’t go too well when drinks have sunk in mixed with a few stronger ones.

                                      It’s a different culture and attitude in most European countries. Whilst our end point eventually reaches the bed, and apologies or just drawn a line and forgotten about, the authorities elsewhere take it more seriously and resort to putting people behind bars.

                                      It makes you think that in England, we’re too tolerant and the amount of brawls Friday-Saturday Night that descend into A&E unnecessarily using valuable NHS resources.


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                                        I don’t think it’s a matter of allowances.

                                        I try and see from both sides in some instances. Newspapers dress it up one-sided purely to sell their headline making the ‘guilty party’ bad.

                                        Granted however, there’s bad eggs in the past dealing with their issues like Stan Collymore for example when he was at Leicester and La Manga circa 2004 (I think).

                                        It’s common knowledge I’m sure in the culture of the First Division in the 1980s of knees up. There’s been a few serious drinkers out on the Razzle, but those same personalities putting in a shift come 3pm to 4:45.


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                                        sean the sailor

                                          Ye I know what you mean nil chum.

                                          Hopefully it blows over and some of the allegations are false


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                                            To be fair it’s not like the Greek police are paragons of virtue ?
                                            But you’d think in a case like this a modern Nick would have vid evidence to back them up


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