Home Community General Football Incompetency of VAR and Officials

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      Also, they did draw the line and so the sky one was just the sky picture which they make up themselves but no twat at sky thought to point that out.


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          What I found most interesting from the audio is that it was the VAR operator who was the most aware of what was actually happening. He was both driving the technology AND assessing the game decision correctly. It was the refs who were completely bamboozled! They had no idea. The operator was the one who tried to stop them from making the wrong call and then carried on questioning their decision. I hope he doesn’t take any of the fall here as he seems to have completely done his job and then done the ref’s job correctly.
          It all just came across as the most rushed job ever, no process, no procedure, just “get it done ASAP” mentality


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              What a shambles.

              It just seems so rushed without any moment of pause making it look incoherent.

              Yet the time taken to review a particular tackle leading to a sending off…..

              Love my club for really showing some backbone and courage to exercise this and not take it lying down.

              Honestly, this has opened the floodgates. And if this grows to be an epidemic which is what it is in danger of based on the number of incorrect decisions, then more other clubs going forward will take the route in challenging this.

              If this progresses legally, these people should be taken to the cleaners and rightly so.


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                It was so quick as it was so obvious Nil, you must be able to see that? He was clearly onside, they saw that quickly but misunderstood the onfield call and therefore miscommunicated the VAR decision back.

                Had they have spent two minutes looking at that they would been slaughtered as well, for slowing the game down and sucking the emotion out of football.

                VAR needs to change, but the last thing it needs is to slow down some more.


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                  Nike is completely correct.
                  The more fuss is made of this total cockup the more complaints will come about every decision.
                  The amount of coverage is totally disproportionate.
                  If we all sat down, how many wrong decisions could we come up with ie how many mistakes.
                  Why doesn’t the FA appoint competent people.
                  The answer is obvious.


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                    You can’t change a result however much it annoys otherwise the game will disintegrate into legal nonsense.
                    Q. Why not question added time when goals are scored in the 11th minute. I know its not the same but…and on it goes.


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                    Chucky McChuckface

                      Twice in one week I’m agreeing with Adders… need to see a doctor!! πŸ™‚

                      It was very obviously a complete cock-up, but all talk of “legal” ramifications is just complete and total bullocks… that is a can of worms that should never be open…

                      As Adders mentions above, once that can is open, were do you draw the line? A corner that should have been a goal kick that leads to a goal that leads to 3 points that means another team is relegated?

                      I don’t believe for one minute there’s a “hidden” agenda anywhere, it was a “honest” cock-up, and totally agree it should never happen again, but I think a line needs to be drawn underneath this now. It happened, I very much doubt it will happen again, and now we can all look forward to 3 minute VAR decisions… (and I’m sure there will be complaints about it taking “too long”).

                      I will also say this, it certainly doesn’t help anybody (players/managers/refs/fans) putting all this pressure on the refs… I think managers and players need to take a long hard look in the mirror and try to work with the team in black… I find their claims of “innocence” and continually passing the buck extremely hypocritical… I know it will never happen but I would find it hughly amusing if PMGOL starting posting sarcastic tweets when a player earning 300,000 a week misses a sitter, give ’em a bit of their own medicine!

                      Love football… not so much footballers!! πŸ™‚


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                      Mikus LFC

                        It can actually be resolved quite swiftly this. For me, if you look at the transcript, the big problem that caused this were the words “Check complete, That’s fine”. It was too vague and ambiguous what this meant. What should have been said was “Check complete – player onside, goal to be awarded.” Just a bit more clarification would have stopped the chain of events that followed. That’s where Webb should be rectifying things.


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                          Alfie, the reason why that’s happening is because commentators and pundits make a point of it. That attitude needs to change.

                          I dont see it in Cricket for example. Take as long as you need, but let’s get it nailed like the dvla.

                          What I am interpreting is offside. That’s communicated between ‘A’ and ‘B’, only for ‘C’ to intervene and point out, ‘hold on, its inside.

                          The game was right to restart, but the correct correction hadn’t been made.


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                          Chucky McChuckface

                            Oh dear, Jurgen the German wants a reply… what a crock of shit.

                            Never going to happen… he’s making himself like a prat now.


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                            Chucky McChuckface


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                                Only pool would take it this far
                                Several teams have been badly wronged by VAR many apologies given but now it’s serious!!!🀣
                                5 pages on this? Crazy days
                                One page covers how bad VAR snd the standard of refereeing
                                Hold your head up lads as you walk through the VAR storm 😁


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                                  Well a game being replayed has happened before as I am sure any Arsenal or Sheff Utd fan will remember although that was the FA Cup. However I do wish Klopp kept that comment to himself, if the club wants to go down that route keep it to themselves.

                                  I only hope this can be used as return of experience when looking at how to improve VAR. I think Mikus’s suggestion of clear unambigous statements to confirm either a goal or no goal would go a long way, do not leave anything open to inturpretation.

                                  If you employ idiots you need to make the system they are using idiot proof!


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                                  Chucky McChuckface

                                    Are we just playing games that Crybaby FC want to reply or does this apply to all games where VAR cocked up?

                                    Play one, you have to play them all… welcome to the 150 games a season season, whereby everybody keeps playing until Crybaby FC are “happy” with the results…

                                    I know, how about a poll? Then the fans can just vote for the winners, it would be like Britians Got Talent, the player can come out and see who can do the most keepy-uppies or who has the shiniest teeth…

                                    Those comments are embarressing, pure and simple…


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                                    sean the sailor

                                      Stevo that hurts mate lol

                                      Should be 100 pages in this lol ah time to draw a line under all this ! Get it! It’s over now, we move in

                                      Banjo your the biggest cry baby on this site after adlab mate lol

                                      Didn’t you disappear for months cause you couldn’t take spurs getting a bit of stick ffs lol


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                                      Chucky McChuckface

                                        Sorry, Waspy, but as I took offence and cried like a recently eunached puppy, all posts from 2018 onwards have been re-edited.. I’ve passed them on to Cheif Cry-baby for his approval…


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                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          So, do you want “Crybaby FC” or “Embarresment FC” for your new name?

                                          At least it won’t be LiVARpool anymore…


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                                          Chucky McChuckface



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