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      The owners would have nothing to do with selling salah, they would not see a penny of it directly.

      200m would go into the club. Would that increaee the value of the club? A lot of money sure but youve also lost a very valuable asset.

      FsG do not put money directly into the club and do not take money out. They don’t finance transfers or get involved in the dealings. Their goal is to see thr club value grow to increase their profits when they eventually sell. Not sure losing your main asset is the best way to do that.


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        Just think back and what selling Coutinho for silly money did for the club. The money financed other incoming players of good quality.
        Although Salah is far better and more valuable than Coutinho.


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          Adlab, it’s a mickey-mouse hollywood league mate; 31 year olds are the niche there me thinks lol 😀


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            That’s it Adlab. I don’t think it’s about getting the cash into the club Threeps but what that cash can do for the team when reinvested. In just 12 months Salah goes into his final year and there’s every chance he won’t sign a new contract. Salah for 2 years or potentially rebuilding the side for the next 10 years? Easy choice for me. I’d sell him. The very fact they’re going for him tells me he’s suggested to them he’s keen which means he’s had his head turned. What Salah are you going to get for the next 12/24 months with that in mind? Selling him and showing the rest of the team that nobody is indispensable would be a big call but one I think they would benefit from in the long term. Spurs wshowing again today what you can do when reinvesting after selling your star player at the right time.


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              Adlabs words were “very temping for owners” I was merely pointing out it’s nothing to do with them. Any reinvestment of such riches would be made below their level and of course it opens up many possibilities. However for ever Coutinho moment with VvD, Alisson etc there’s always a Suarez with Ricky Lambert and Balotelli!


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                True Threeps 😁


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                Chucky McChuckface

                  Latest cyber rumours are 215m for Mo… be both impressed and surprised of that is turned down…


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                    An article from the BBC relevant to this thread

                    Manchester United have spent a record £1.19bn more on transfers over the past decade than they have recouped through player sales, according to a new study.

                    Since 2014 United have spent about £1.67bn on new players, and brought in about £481m, says Swiss-based research institute, CIES Football Observatory.

                    Chelsea are second with a negative net spend of £883m, followed by French side Paris St-Germain with £863m.

                    Arsenal (£745m) and Manchester City (£732m) complete the top five.

                    A total of 13 Premier League clubs are in the top 20.

                    The figures used in the study include fixed transfer fees, fee-paying loans and any add-ons regardless of whether they have actually been paid.


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                      new report from the CIES Football Observatory reveals the current crop of players at Old Trafford have cost a world-topping £991.7m – edging the £977.9m spent by Premier League rivals Chelsea.

                      Manchester City rank third with a squad costing £898.5m, followed by Paris Saint-Germain (£862.3m), Arsenal (£720.9m), Tottenham (£714.9m), Liverpool (£664m), Real Madrid (£610.5m), Newcastle (£570m) and West Ham (£435.5m).


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                      sean the sailor

                        City have spent the most since 2008 when they got their new owners adlab. I think that’s were we should start from lol

                        You are obsessed by trying to call out utd mate


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                        Chucky McChuckface

                          Who’s the fugliest of the two fugly sisters??

                          Although with all the plastic surgury that ADSC have had, they’re looking like a right dogs dinner!!


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                            Who tops that list of blood money spent on sports washing?

                            Earlier this week I saw that the fella who hacked the ‘fake’ emails that showed City paying managers, agents and players off their books was convicted of hacking (maybe the emails were real???), but only got a suspended sentance due to his defence that leaking the emails was is the public interest. Couldn’t be bothered to post about it earlier, but I will remember the interest Adlab has in reports going forward!


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                            Chucky McChuckface

                              To be fair to Adders and the Abu Dhabi Sportswashing Campaign (great name for an indie band!), they never denied the emails were real, their very logical “so-we-must-be-innocent” defense was the simply notion that they were gained “illegally” (which they obviously were!) and therefore cannot be used in evidence in a court of law…. and without those emails, there is no case, therefore a not-guilty verdict needs to be “issued”, so sprinkle that with the aforementioned “logic”, not-guilty means innocent (as long as nobody ever refers to the emails!)…


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                                I would never judge a club improving or enhancing their ground and facilities that benefits the paying supporters. After All, they are paying a lot of money for their Ticket. Anfield just 10 out of 10 for all the investment and work carried out.

                                What am I more resentful towards is the rules in place where loopholes are being exposed and for those breaching the rules not brought in line.

                                I think many out there in recent years have spent; question is how wise and those clubs being able to in the first place.


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                                  Simon Jordan, have a read of this Thread and you will find Sir that I have already pointed this out 🙂



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                                    That’s part of it Chucky, they also said they committed the offences whilst the PL didn’t have a specific law against said offence, and therefore it doesn’t matter.

                                    It’s the fans who say the emails are fake.


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                                    Chucky McChuckface

                                      The thing is, Alfie, if they weren’t breaking the rules becuase the rules didn’t exist, then why all the moving money around and paying people to pay poeple to pay ADSC? Why the “wierd” payments to Mancini (and others) for example? Seems a very complicated and convoluted way of not breaking any rules to me…


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                                        Ah, becuase they were breaking UEFA FFP rules! Just not the PL FFP rules!

                                        So, imagine you are a despot ditactor who is never wrong and owns a football club. You have never needed to answer to anyone but daddy all of your life. You have a ton of blood money that you wish to use to sports wash your nation, and a few thousand idiots who support the club you have chosen to acheivbe that who beleieve everything you say, despite the clear inaccuracies.

                                        You acheieve your goal by cheating. Howvever you lie to cover your tracks, the organisations fall for your lies, false accounting and made up contracts. Some pesky individual then leaks emails which prove that you have lied, wished members of an organistion that is asking you to comply with the rules that you signed up to dead, cheated, broke the rules and generally behaved like the despot dictator that you are. However, luckily you have two things in your favour.
                                        1. time barred charges
                                        2. thousands of idiots who will argue white is black because you say it is

                                        You get punished by this insitution, but hire top lawyers who appeal on the grounds that the worst of the charegs are covered by time barred (you deliberately hid the FFP breaches and they are only found out after someone uncovered your lies, but lying to UEFA is not coverered by FFP rules – and why would they be, they have never had to deal with despots before). So you state you are innocent completely and appeal to CAS.

                                        CAS accept that the worst charges are time barred and partially uphold your appeal. You are still punished, as you are a scumbag cheat, but teh appeal is partially upheld so, as a despot does, you claim complete victory and state you have been found completely innocent. Ten of thousands of idiots fall fo these clear untruths because they are not big enough to accept the obvious facts of the case.

                                        Then a second organisation, this time the PL, charge you with over 100 breaches of their FFP rules. Again, being a despot you feel angry about being held to account, feign surprise at being charged and claim that there is “irrefutable evidence” to prove their innocence.

                                        This “irrefutable evidence”, when released much later appeared to simply be a statement saying that the PL FFP rules which tehy broke did not actually exist at the time. Thousands of idiot city fans either turn a blind eye to this or are simply to stupid to understand what their own club has told them.

                                        It’s a common complex. Look at the current Rugby World Cup fiasco where, if you are English, there is zero tollerance of head collisions. If you are English and on the receiving end of a head collison due to the tackler turning his back and jumping full pelt at you, you are deemed to be on teh end of a ‘normal rugby collision’. Similarly Chilean plkayers can make head contact as can South Africans. However teh whole world has seen you send off Tom Curry for a lessor offense, so what do you do about these obvious inconsistencices? Ignore them! Tell Curry at his hearing that he can argue against the red card and receieve a 6 game ban if the appeal is not upheld, or accept the charge and get a three game ban, reduced to 2 if he attends a tackle class. What does Curry do, accept that it was a red card under the laws of teh game, get a 2 game ban and allow world rugby to say – told you so! Now rugby fans all over the world are saying – all of the decisions are right as Curry said so, forgetting the part that he did no such thing!


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                                          Whoops, apologies for the length of that post!


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                                            So you have proof of your post content that you have actually seen because I haven’t .
                                            I would love to examine what you have first hand rather than second, third or fourth hand.
                                            I would rather wait until I see documentary evidence rather than jealous or worse, hearsay. Wouldn’t you?
                                            Do you believe everything you read or is it just selective.
                                            I have been involved in a number of high profile tax cases in my working life and the amount of so called evidence that was chucked out was astounding. One case I recall was an instance that one party had constructed a whole set of records and accounts specifically for HMRC. The records were totally convincing but false.
                                            Rather than cast aspersions why not wait and see.
                                            If the boot was on the other foot I might be the same as you but I would hope not.


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