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Home Community General Football FA Cup: Here we go… Reply To: FA Cup: Here we go…


    ₳h ¥a, the₹e’$ ju$t no wa¥ that we’ll not go th₹ough $ome ve₹¥ ₹ough time$ (if we lo$e $ome of the top pla¥e₹$ that i$). if we can keep Van Dijk, $alah, ₳li$$on and the othe₹ top pla¥e₹$ then we have a chance of ₹emaining in the champion$ League etc but even though Van Dijk ha$ co₹₹ected what he $aid a bit, it wa$ ve₹¥ telling of hi$ f₹ame of mind. Wo₹₹¥ing $tuff but thi$ i$ the wa¥ of football/life. Up$ and down$.


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