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  • #187418

      Every decision a gamble Ed, and of course no guarantees. so thats the bleeding obvious out of the way.

      Now to the real stuff, what is the biggest gamble? keeping ole on board or bringing in a coach who has won league at last 3 clubs and giving him a squad as good as any of his previous squads?

      My opinion, like nine, is that he would do the business for you and if the options were keep ole or hire conte, it is clear to me the biggest gamble would be keeping ole.

      There may be more options for united but at the moment with Zidane seemingly not interest conte seems the best option available right now.


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        No guaranteed collapse either Ed, in fact he won league at last 3 clubs but only once had a season like second one at Chelsea.


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          Ronaldo want be pleased if Conte comes there, I remember when Conte was linked to Juventus how against it Ronaldo was, He didn’t accept the idea of a manager who imposes his will on the players were his words


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            Interesting Rover. Where did he say that? I can’t find that quote πŸ˜•

            You may be right Lucky. All I’m saying is that I can understand the hesitation. It’s not about Conte or Ole. It’s about who is the right person for the job in their view. If that’s someone who is not available right now, it makes zero sense to bring Conte in just because he’s available and better than the current guy.


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              That’s fair enough Ed but the current manager needs to go (you have said he should have been sacked) and there is a super successful coach currently a free agent, and who seemingly wants to join your club, so it may make a little more than “zero” sense for utd to make it happen. πŸ˜€ But still concede your point doesn’t mean it has to happen.

              To be fair in the original post I meant to say “whether utd want him or not is another question” but I wrote “why they don’t want him is another question” so we went down a needless road anyway and you right it’s not just ole or conte at all.


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                Ya, I’d be in the camp that getting a multi-title winning manager would be something to snap at, when compared to such a useless donkey. The managers just aren’t out there, so it makes no sense to carry on with this destructive incompetence.

                We don’t all have to agree and it’s not our club but were this Liverpool, I’d be begging for Conte right now.


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                  Bookies have conte odds ON to be next utd manager at 8/11. Crazy short odds considering they haven’t even sacked ole yet.


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                    Next there are zidane and Rogers both at 10/1 so it’s clear where the money is going.

                    I hope conte doesn’t go to utd 😞


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                      Don’t get me wrong. I’d be completely behind him. He just wouldn’t be my first choice. Regardless, Ole should go after Sunday.


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                      Mikus LFC

                        When Klopp came into Liverpool, he had to pretty much rebuild the squad. So even if Conte did leave a load of collateral damage when he leaves, if you find the right manager after him, they can always undo it by rebuilding! And it’s never as bad as you think it is.


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                        nine nine nine

                          I think it’s obvious that Conte would be attracted to the United job most top Coaches particularly in his circumstances would be and there aren’t too many jobs bigger than the United role and then there’s the financial support in the transfer market that few Clubs can match too but United have to decide they want to get rid of Ole first and seemingly they haven’t done that yet and until they do there won’t be an approach for anybody.


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                            Ah it 😁


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                            Brian blue

                              Ed…I do not think the Utd Board know how to move Ole and no idea who they really want. Apparently, he has three games to turn it round, lets suppose he wins all three, not impossible, there will now be a lingering doubt that he will not last. In a way, I feel sorry for the guy, must be an awful feeling for him and his family, I know he will be compensated well but it is not the same is it ,as doing a good job. he has support at Board level and with Fergusson and that could be important


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                              nine nine nine

                                I think United know how to move Ole Brian they just haven’t made their minds up as to whether it’s the right thing to do. United will almost certainly have more candidates to chose from in the Summer but can they hang on that long?

                                The next three United games will be interesting but even if Ole was to win them it will all resurface at the next United disappointing result.


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                                sean the sailor

                                  Exactly nine. He’s a dead man walking . He be gone soon

                                  Lucky I’d hate to see conte there. Proven winner etc. Some of those lads need a wake up call

                                  Ah was going to lay into Maguire there but I’ve said it all before. As average as they come.


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                                    Sean, you remember when AVB took over chelsea? He was all about revolutionising the style of play. We went to Old Trafford with a high line and press and were 3-0 down half time. JT is arguably the best centre back in prem history but didn’t look it that day because he had a manager that did not play to the strengths of his best players.

                                    Put maguire in a conte team and you will see a proper defender, that is my opinion but wouldnt bet any money on it πŸ˜‰


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                                    Mikus LFC

                                      American owners do generally seem to be more distant with regards to the running of their clubs. They seem happy to let things run themselves whilst their assets increase in value. Man Utd have Ole. Arsenal have Arteta. When Klopp leaves I wonder if we’ll have our Ole/Arteta moment with Stevie. Dare I say such managers are also low risk with regards to falling out with the board.


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                                        I don’t understand the clamor for Stevie to be our manager. Ok, in the time between now and then, there’s a chance that he’ll prove himself on the big stage but chances are there will be numerous better options out there, who people seemingly won’t want, because they never played for our club.

                                        When Klopp goes, we’ve got to get the best manager in.


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                                        Mikus LFC

                                          Problem is Mak, when Klopp does leave, I’d be surprised if we get the best manager available. They’ll want someone to try and do another long term build and be more ‘patient’ whilst not whinging to the directors and also having to work on a budget. Not many top managers would want to work under such circumstances even if it was managing Liverpool. Hence Stevie would be very attractive, assuming he continues to develop reasonably well.


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                                          Brian blue

                                            Nine…your first sentence answers the point!!


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