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  • #178084
    nine nine nine

      Yeah Pagan all a shame but you can’t put the milk back in the bottle in respect of the FA Cup where we are is where we are. I don’t think it would be necessary to make any changes to the FA Cup if a ESL eventually comes about as I suspect it eventually will.


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        That’s for sure uncle 9 they already plotting plan B. They want make the same mistakes which were rather silly.


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          9, yeah, but it’s not really saving football, which is how they tried to sell it. For me we’ve already reached saturation point with live footy on the box, I don’t watch so much now as it’s just boring, and if it is on it’s in the background.

          As they say “if there’s always biscuits in the tin, where’s the fun in biscuits?”



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            Pagan, leave the biscuits out of this, biscuits are always fun 😉
            I do agree with you on the saturation point and UEFA’s new proposals for the Champions League is only going to make it worse (although club owners won’t care about that). However, I do think there is an opportunity for football supporters to push for more reform at the minute – The reputations of so many of the big clubs tarnished, several high ranking club officials have resigned from their UEFA and ECA positions to take up failed ESL posts, and many at UEFA, National Government level and in the media, are publicly saying how important the fans viewpoint is and that we are the most important part of the sport – fans should keep messaging UEFA, using twitter and facebook, and remain vocal about topics such as the Champions League restructure and how it needs altering to remove protectionism. Who knows maybe now someone may listen? UEFA would look pretty ridiculous if they refused to listen to fans views after what they’ve said this week.


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              It’s a great shame in the way the FA Cup has been treated because of the priority for Champions League; attributed to those generally involved in the competition season by season.


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              nine nine nine

                I love the FA Cup Nil and I certainly wouldn’t want to see it further disipated.


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                  Bottom line, UEFA weren’t upset by the ESL proposal because of the effect on integrity of the game, or that the fans weren’t happy, they were upset because the clubs were taking their piece of the financial pie. Do you really think they care what the fans of Burton Albion or Mansfield Town think?…..Pagan


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                  nine nine nine

                    Pagan, I agree with your point about saturation and too much football on TV personally I choose my games but as we all know these are extraordinary times and the saturation is down to the pandemic and fans not being allowed in the Stadiums which has led to all PL games being covered. It won’t last forever and nor should it.


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                      9, but when the prem goes back to the 4 games or so a week on the TV, that gives free days that can be used to screen ESL matches. Footy 7 days a week…..Pagan


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                      nine nine nine

                        Long way to go before then Pagan and any ESL would replace the CL so it would somewhat balance out. But whatever happens I’ll still just choose my games.😊


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                        nine nine nine

                          Mike, good post above supported by Gundogan see tweet below.

                          “With all the Super League stuff going on… can we please also speak about the new Champions League format? More and more and more games, is no one thinking about us players?
                          The new UCL format is just the lesser of the two evils in comparison to the Super League…”


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                            Me and Mr Whippy on the same page 😉


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                              I agree with you Pagan, UEFA are not concerned with fans, they’re concerned with money. However they’ve all been forced to appeal to fans this week and claim that clubs should listen to us; because of that there is an opportunity to put pressure on UEFA to back that claim up with action that benefits the fans of all clubs and not just the greedy few, by altering the ridiculous new CL format. I’m just saying this opportunity won’t be there for long so fans should try and make their voices heard while we can.


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                              Brian blue

                                We appear to have drifted from one inept organisation into another and then back into the original. The question is,….have lessons be learned?
                                The mistakes made can be compounded if sensible solutions are not found, for example, fines, point deductions even relegation has been muted but this will not save the games future and just propel another attempt to try something again in the future. My thoughts are, just lets get on with the game and concentrate on the end of this season and then into the next. Further changes to the games structure needs to be put on the back burner until they have been fully thought through with everyones interest at heart and not the generation of money to the fore…A war does not exist in minds that think of the future


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                                Mikus LFC

                                  I think the lessons learned Brian are that they couldn’t bring in the super league by the front door. So instead, I think they’ll bring it in by the back door over coming years but it’ll be labelled as reforms. And it’s sort of already happening. The financial blogger Swiss Ramble has recently noted,

                                  “Looking at Champions League revenue distribution, the influence of the UEFA coefficient is evident with TV pool much less important than it was before. This change in the current cycle rewards historically successful clubs rather than those with larger national TV rights deals.”


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                                  Brian blue

                                    Begs the question Mikus…..why cannot all these brains , cannot organise and manage a game of football??? Self interest always in the way, plus, of course, fat salaries


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                                      The New Format quite frankly for me takes some work in getting my head around; still unclear.

                                      What I do know is an increase in more games and seemingly, even those Teams finishing last in the ‘group stages’ have a Play Off to be able to resurrect.

                                      It’s Spiraled to me out of control now with solely emphasis on generating Revenue and no Thought spared towards Domestic Football. I don’t see Governing Bodies working sensibly together. This is the impression I’m getting at the moment.

                                      Europa League needs a Serious Thought.

                                      A Plea; just Essentially keep this to a Trophy Competition with a Knock Out Format.

                                      Position Thought into Domestic Cup Competitions. English Football Really need to Stand Tall.

                                      If it’s just the same Teams Dominating in an Example at the moment with Manchester City, there’s no point and very little hope for others.


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                                      nine nine nine

                                        “If it’s just the same Teams Dominating in an Example at the moment with Manchester City, there’s no point and very little hope for others.”

                                        And if City were to sign Haaland in the Summer next season we’ll all be playing for second place Nil.😊


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                                        Brian blue

                                          City will have to go through changes because we are likely to have to replace Fernandinho, find a left back. replace Augerro. Gungdogan will need back up. Walker will need replacing…all age related. Kdb will also have to be managed so we are not so reliant on him, so I see 4/5 players that have to be settled in to Peps system. We may bring some of our talented youngster in as we did with Foden, there are more but the big spend will be on a mobile striker,At the moment i do not see any of the media suggested contenders being brought in


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                                          Chucky McChuckface

                                            Oh dear, Double B, how will you lot cope? Shall we have a whip-round? Or perhaps a “Go-Fund-Me” or something? LOL!!! 🙂


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