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    Hightown hope

      Surprised there isn’t a thread on this! Or maybe not, after the rows on here over the last couple of days. Think Southgate has over reacted a little, though we don’t know exactly what happened. Surely this happens on training grounds every day?

      I heard that Gomez offered his hand to Sterling who then lost it and grabbed Gomez round the throat. Seems a little out of character, so maybe something was said. All quite funny really, and maybe shows that the players are a bit like us fans after all…taking it all a little bit too seriously! Maybe it is really Mak and Adlab, or maybe it’s all a witch hunt against City and their players (smiley face!!)


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      Mikus LFC

        I think Southgate had to do something to punish Sterling and I think it reasonably measured just to pull him for the next game but to keep him in the squad. Throwing him out completely would have been over the top. Had Southgate done nothing, would Sterling have come out and publicly apologised and acknowledged his mistake? I doubt it. This just ensures that he will at least think more about what he did whilst also conveying a message to the squad that such behaviour is not to be tolerated.

        But what all this kind of thing does confirm is that the premier league is unsurprisingly still where the main focus is, with the England national team forever struggling to compete with it. I know it’s been said that there is now more unity in the England squad than there was under the β€œgolden generation” but you can still see what the inevitable priority is for most of these players. Just don’t think you can have a powerful global premier league (which has made players ever more powerful) and a strong unified England national team. The two will always struggle to coexist together.


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          Did this need to be public? I’m guessing this sort of thing would happen fairly often especially with fierce rival teams. Could it not of been done in-house? (If anything discrete is actually possible with the England team and it`s merry band of paparazzi and moles).


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            Now more details have emerged, I think GS has taken the right course of action. RS is clearly in the wrong here, however much he may have been provoked (if at all). Having emerged as one of England’s stars, both on and off the pitch, over the last 18 months does not give him the right to act in such a way.
            He has apologised and this has been accepted by JG. That should now be the end of the matter and I’m sure as far as the two are concerned and the England camp, it will be. As for the press, they are like a dog with a bone and will look for the slightest hint of further problems and address their agenda accordingly.
            It has also been revealed that Jordan Henderson played a role as ‘peacemaker’, even though he wasn’t with the squad at the time – massive credit to him.


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              Andy, are you up for a beer on Thursday for the game?


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                Had to look twice at this, quick glance and I thought why’s someone starting a thread about Selina Gomez……Pagan


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                  I thought Gomez & Sterling started dating……….


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                  Brian blue

                    gi blue…you are right the press will want this to run forever more, they have nothing else to right about and you can be shure it will hot up again before the return game. Pathetic lot.

                    I thought a public apology and accepted was fair enough. We see a lot more serious issues that go without and form of apology almost every week


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                      I’d be alarmed if this was happening in the training ground everyday. And just because you play for a rival team, there’s no excuse. Gomez barely came on. The problem is Sterling’s lack of resilience from a culmination of instances which basically boiled up frustration. Didn’t he even try to confront Virgil Van Dijk?

                      Gareth Southgate has to take action to prevent this affecting the England squad.

                      As much as Pep projects a facet in the media, he would have been livid with the defeat behind closed doors. The way the City players shown venom and aggression on the pitch relentlessly suggest that he must be giving players the hairdryer treatment.

                      I’ve never liked Sterling in the way he sold himself out in public over the transfer, but he was different under Pellegrini. Another example with attitude is Kyle Walker.

                      If a Culture breaks out that players when assembling for England are carrying chips on their shoulders, then this jeopardises the harmony and can potentially have a knock-on effect for future preparations.


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                      sean the sailor

                        Threeps, agree about the mole. I’d be livid if I was Southgate that it got out. Absolutely no reason for anyone to mouth off to the press or whoever

                        I’d find the tout and reprimand him big time

                        I think it was dealt with well and sterling apologised. Media will over blow it as usual. It’s over now


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                          besides the arguments, I’ve not commented on anything much on here since. For me, the fact that it became public is not really such a big issue. This is the nature of man TBH and the flare up is the same, although from what I’ve read, Sterling needs to chill out.

                          My take on what happened :

                          As the team were assembling, Sterling approached Gomez and asked him if he was still the big man. Gomez and several players laughed, which threw Sterling into a rage. He then attacked Gomez, grabbed him by the throat and scratched his face (there are pictures).

                          Southgate in his statement made it clear that Gomez didn’t lose his cool in the scenario and I heard that Gomez actually went to him to plead for Southgate to not send Sterling home entirely. So, this suggests that the lads might have had a calm word or 2 afterwards.

                          If what I understand to be true above is correct then I think Southgate made the correct call. I think many managers send a player home in this situation but if they have resolved their issues, it can actually have the potential to form a kind of bond, so keeping the player in training might have been a very good play by him. At the same time, you can’t have people grabbing others by the throat in the canteen, the pitch is a bit different as it’s a competitive arena but off the pitch, you’ve got to be some bit civil. If you did this to someone on the street, you’d be asking for trouble.

                          Southgate took minimal action, which demonstrates his authority and ability to man manage, in my opinion. I’d like to think that this is exactly what I would have done.


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                          Hightown hope

                            Hey, Gary, yeah the pub sounds good for the game tomorrow night. Boundary at 7.30pm?


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                            Chucky McChuckface

                              I guess we don’t need to worry about Sterling and Gomez breaking up, as we have Andy and Gary getting together… πŸ™‚


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                              Hightown hope

                                Might all kick off though, Chucky!!


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                                  in all honesty its a shame there cant be a few more beers had between lads off here no matter who they support, im sure many would like each other far more than they think in person than what comes over in a post


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                                  Hightown hope

                                    You’d be very welcome to join us, Steveo!


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                                      id be more than happy to join HH! i have a small feeling my trip might be a tad long given we are at ooposite ends of the country!

                                      still i do reckon a few off season meets with beers in select place around the country might be fun!


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                                      Chucky McChuckface

                                        You’re all welcome in Finland, just bring your thermals (except Buffy, you need to wear your bikini!).


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                                          if i looked like the lass the Goose posted on the closed thread id never wear cliothes πŸ˜‰

                                          but i dont πŸ™

                                          so i will use my full snow gear! nice offer, wouldnt mind a visit to Finlandia….

                                          out of interest are there many blind blonde ladies over there?!


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                                          Chucky McChuckface

                                            I found one…. πŸ™‚


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