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  • #208801


      Well done for the rest of the staff resigning.

      I’m led to believe the kiss wasn’t ‘consensual’. It was in the moment of triumph; hardly harassment!


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        It was a very obvious form of sexual harassment. He should have been fired instantly.


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          Yeah threeps it’s out of order.

          What makes me even more disturbed is how he and his federation responded.

          If it was a simple case of getting excited and a spontaneous action without thinking, that would have been evident with a cringed/awkward reaction immediately afterwards followed by a sincere apology. It would have still been wrong but to act as they have following this is ridiculous.

          I think the truth is this guy thought it was a honour to bestow! So detached from reality.


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            Just watched it again and I think the hugging and kissing on cheeks seemed mutual but then he literally grabbed her behind the head with both hands, pulled her in and laid one on her!

            Can see her smiling for a second as she walks out of shot but not sure whether she even processed it.


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              😀 Lol, this is why we shouldn’t employ Women’s Football; Lol where’s Romesh 😀


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                Ok, jokes aside, the I’ve read an online Newspaper report and the guy effectively is a Creep! He actually asked beforehand whether he could kiss that particular footballer who seemingly reluctantly consented to just a ‘peck on cheek’.

                He went clearly full-blown and that would have more than overwhelmed her.

                FIFA etc have done the right thing.

                Next time mate: just shake her Hand, and be a Gentleman 🙂


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                  This is a little story in response to Adlab and a lesser extent Nil who think this incident is blown out of proportion.

                  I was once a Police Officer, not for long admittedly but long enough to have some experience. One of my first arrests was a man of similar age to Adlab. He had been touching supermarket workers. It started with a little cheeky comment, then a little sly touch, then an inappropriate grope. He thought he was doing nothing wrong, it was all playful fun. When my colleague knocked on his door his wife joked “oh he’s up to his old tricks again!” as if it was some innocent joke.

                  I read the victim statements. They felt violated. They felt mistreated. One felt so sick at the thought of seeing him at work she feigned days off. You try telling them it was a bit of fun or a show of affection.

                  So Adlab it doesn’t need to 50 shades of grey or however you put it. That kiss is sexual assault. Whats more it was done in front of millions of people watching, many whom have to endure those cheeky little sexual comments, those little touches, or those non-consented kisses on the lips. How did his actions make them feel?

                  The self preservation attitude of Rubiales and his people is actually even more disgusting than the act itself. He should have been fired without hesitation and made am example of.


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                  Chucky McChuckface

                    Have to agree with 3p’s here…. have family who were coppers, and more than a couple of friends who have been a victim of these sort of incidents..

                    At the absolute minimum there should have been an immediate apology…. (although part of me also understands Nil’s “in the heat of the moment”, not that it condones it for a moment)… the “cover-up” is only making the situation worse and totally taking away the “moment” of them winning the World Cup…


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                      Zabaleta’s twin 😀


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                        Spot on 3ps!Hope she files an complaint and he is sent to prison.


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                          Well well well:



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                            What a world we live in. A man effectively turfed out of a job over a kiss.



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                              Your typical male chauvinistic pig who believes woman are there for his personal enjoyment and fulfillment. That’s the broader reason why there was such a massive objective response.


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                                I don’t think you’ve grasped the situation at all and sadly there are far too many men out there with your mindset still. Very disappointing from you Nil.

                                Losing his job should have happened that very night and the least he should expect.


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                                  Three P’s that’s a matter of an opinion. Have a look at the comments section on the DM article. I kid you not there are supposedly female commenters that have pointed out that this has blown out of proportion.

                                  It was an indescretion that he should have apologized for and we would have moved on. But now everybody seems easily offended which is what seems to be the accentuation and media driven too in excess.



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                                    Anything I say I’ll be slaughtered!
                                    There are so many worse things happening in the world. Earthquakes, fires,floods,Putin, a useless government and what hits the headlines…
                                    We could do with identifying priorities.
                                    She should have smacked his face and finish.


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                                      PS I also think there is an age issue here . Different values, different upbringing, some perhaps better some perhaps worse .
                                      If this was an isolated incident then an apology would be enough. However, if there is a track record then it should be sacked on the spot.
                                      Is there a track record?


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                                        Adlab, this is it. There are more important matters in our society that need to be addressed.

                                        It was a moment, probably a little overwhelming and surprising.

                                        The media took it to another level.


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                                          Nil I’m not sure if your just naive or are in fact a chauvinist, I hope it’s the former. Adlab I think we all know which he is, he’s not exactly surprised anyone with his views. That’s probably an age thing and thankfully the younger people can see things in a different way which is why I was disappointed with you opinion Nil.

                                          I opened up the BBC app today, the headline story is about female surgeons being sexuallly assaulted whilst operating. This is just one of many stories that happen every day. You might think this incident was just a kiss in the heat of the moment, but it happened by someone who is kinda her bosses boss so has a power over her, in front of millions in a situation she had zero control over. Millions of women watching what should have been the pinnacle of achievement for this particular lady saw in fact a man with power sexually assault her.

                                          Thankfully the neanderthal views are dying out, but Nil come on, give your head a wobble. If you can’t see the damage his actions did then I think you’re falling into the 2nd category I earlier mentioned.


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                                            I seen on more than a few occasions woman and also children abused by men who think they are the masters, we not living in prehistoric cavemen times or like those dreadful Taliban men. Women need to be cherished and protected. While this particular act may seem relatively harmless it leads to the narrative that men can do whatever they want to do with women and even worse because of his very high ranking ex position. He also grabbed his crotch when they scored this is also indicative of his sordid thoughts the way he regards women in general.


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