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  • #201874
    Hightown hope

      Sean, I’m absolutely with you. And, Ed, he has 9 goals and 3 assists in the league so far this season, and is averaging a goal every 124 minutes. Werner would have chopped off his right leg for stats like that…oh, hang on, maybe he did which would explain alot.

      Nunez is far from the finished article, I’ll agree, but he has contributed alot already, and with a little more luck he’d have even better stats. He’s certainly found the woodwork a few times. I’m not sure he’ll ever be a world beater like Haaland, but those who write him off this early in his Premiership career risk being made to look very silly further down the line


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        You can’t knock his goal record Hightown. I’m not sure it always tells the whole story though. Liverpool are always going to create tons of chances so strikers will always get lots of goals. Werner would have got a lot for this Liverpool side too IMO. To be honest, I don’t think many are writing him off. I’m certainly not. He’s been mocked for some absolutely criminal misses and awful touches. That’s just how football works. Lukaku was absolutely hammered every week for this kind of thing despite having a very good goal record.


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          Read today but cannot find it again the Nunez has the worst big chance conversion rate in the league. He works hard, he is very quick but pretty awful at timing his runs (offside!) and has terrible shooting ability. When not offside he gets in good positions but I have very little confidence he will do anything useful with it. Look at the times he dragged his shot last night, or that chance from about 5 yards when he basically jumped over the ball. Was he trying and failing to do one of those flick goals again (think he luckily scored one against City in the CS when it bounced off his wrong foot after an earlier failed attempt), again a big sign of poor decision making.

          Bit generous saying he got an assist last night, his low cross was palmed to the liverpool scorer by the goalie, Nunez didn’t pick him out. (Just checked, no assist).


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          sean the sailor

            Jayus threeps , ok then lol but without his run and cross we don’t score! Give him some credit. His shooting? What about his shot v Everton on the run or West Ham? Both hit the bar. Left foot shot off the post aswell v West Ham. Keeper makes a great saves Leeds when ball going top corner. That volley first time last night which would be very difficult to execute. He can shoot with either foot. Great in the air etc.

            You said he’s been very poor , I just don’t agree when he contributes to the team in nearly every game.

            Look we won’t agree, that’s fine. I’ll give him time to really settle and judge him at the end of the season. He’s done well for me considering his fee, he’s 23 and is living in a new country


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            Mikus LFC

              I think the acid test of a striker is when they are through one on one on goal with only the keeper to beat, you know 9 times out of 10, a top striker will finish it. When NΓΊΓ±ez went through on goal last night I knew he wasn’t going to score. But I have to say I am with HH and Sean on this one. He never drops his head and just keeps going and he does creates chaos, good or bad πŸ˜†. We need to give him at least the rest of the season and we’re not the sort of club to quickly dump him in any case. He’s had more impact than Keita and he’s still with us.


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                Slightly away from the thread of discussion, but I do see a split view on Nunez. Unfortunately, I’m on the other side of the fence. He just isn’t taking off.

                I don’t see a natural instinctive finisher or somebody with the ability to engineer his own luck. The price tag is not his fault, but heavy weight and I’m wondering going forward what will be the best solution.

                I’m super excited about Gakpo, but even more at the prosperity of a link up with Diaz and Jota. We’re good for a 4-2-4 when we’re firing on all cylinders, but albeit the first half of yesterday in majority, I don’t see us reach those levels but instead, resemblance to that season during the pandemic when we somehow stole a CL Place.

                We need at least one new 2 midfielders potentially to replace Tiago and Fabinho. These guys for me won’t be on the forefront for much longer. I don’t know what Melo is all about – nonsensical, but something first to be done about Nunez and hopefully, just a wrong fit that didn’t unfortunately work for us.


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                  3ps, agreed. That was the key observation what you’ve just highlight about dragged. I can’t recall one clean strike from him albeit I think the volley in the first half.


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                    I think we can all agree to wait and see how he has done by the end of the season.

                    Reading that whilst Liverpool are linked to a big midfield player for the summer, obvious two are Bellingham and Enzo Fernandez, we are linked to a less expensive probably DM player this winter with a view to challenge Fabinho and maybe replace him eventually. The names Florentino Luis (Benfica) and Joao Gomes (who I think is likely as the Brazilian league is over I think) have been mentioned along with the Morrocan Amrabat. I didnt watch much of the WC but heard he had a good one, what is he like? Would find it odd if the club buys a player solely based on one tournament and at 26 his club record doesnt exactly stand out to me.


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                      Twitter rumours about us going in for the Brighton and Argentina guy.


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                        Bit harsh from me admittedly 3ps and you’re right. Sensibly, it’s better to allow time then draw conclusion on Nunez afterwards. It’s not so much missed chances, but it’s just the rawness which is frustrating in viewing. Here’s hoping we can sign a midfielder in the up and coming weeks.


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                          Depay to Utd? Supposedly in talks. Thoughts Ed?


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                            Where you seeing that Threeps? Seen a couple of loose links to him over last few days but nothing about talks.

                            I’d be pleased with Depay. We can’t afford to buy the long term option we need up front in January. Hence why we’re talking about short term options, loans etc. That really limits the type of player we can get obviously. Depay is about as good as it gets in that category of player. Certainly tops Ighalo πŸ˜…. The best names I’ve seen mentioned are Depay, Felix and Morata. I’d take any of them but Depay is probably the most realistic and he has a point to prove at Utd.


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                            nine nine nine

                              Interesting that seemingly because of the potential takeover United won’t spend in January and Liverpool in the same position have spent on Gakpo probably a sensible buy given the fee and the injuries.

                              Will Liverpool spend big again in January though?

                              They might well try and still strengthen the midfield but I would be surprised given the current circumstances if they spend the circa Β£100m plus that some Liverpool fans are seemingly calling for on the likes of Fernandez remembering they’ve spent the best part of Β£200m since last January with owners who are accused by some Liverpool fans of not supporting Klopp.😊


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                              sean the sailor

                                Is that 200 net nine? Ye I agree mate. If Klopp wasn’t supported he would walk

                                I think fans want to see us spend like city and utd which is not realistic.

                                I like our owners . We needed this guy in but let’s see how he gets on


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                                  I think people missed the point and head straight in the tunnel of thinking to buy a player means spending huge. That is not a guarantee of instant success. We can shop around.
                                  The problem is that when the word gets out, another club shows interest which then heightens the price-tag. It would be nice to find somebody at a cut price in January, then go for the jugular in the Summer. Hopefully by then, we would have sourced new investment.


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                                  nine nine nine

                                    Sean, gross mate.Be less than that net minus the Mane fee.😊


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                                    nine nine nine

                                      Nil@10:11am Spot on buddie Benfica were smarter than anyone signing Fernandez for Β£12m in the Summer whilst anyone who wants him now will have to pay his buy out clause of Β£105m.


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                                        Ed, think it was reported in the Mail that talks are advancing regarding Depay but obviously take that with a pinch of salt.

                                        Regarding owners I think they will always be the one fans to blame as they are often seen as the tight, money grabbing, profit before anything businessmen. But sometimes the decision to buy or not buy is made far from the boardroom. Take Liverpool as an example, Martin Edwards is lauded by most fans yet the decision to keep Keita and Ox is criticised yet it was during his tenure that the big contracts were handed to them making them unsellable. No one blames him. I suspect Klopp has often said no to buying certain players when I am sure the money is available yet he will never be to blame, always the owners. As fans it is easier and makes us feel good to just blame the “bad guys”!

                                        Regarding Enzo, yeah Benfica did well. Apparently Liverpool were after him but didn’t go for it for what ever reason (lets blame the owners!) and now he will cost a fortune. Looking like to Chelsea?

                                        Latest midfield links to liverpool are Elmas from Napoli and Macallister from Brighton. Both more attacking minded than what we have previously been linked with.


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                                          Nine, it’s just something I’ve felt quite strongly about personally for years. For example, I wish there were more examples of Andy Robertson who didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Equally on the other hand, I do appreciate big money needed when looking at the higher end of the market and shopping for the real Top Players.



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                                          paul powers tash


                                            If Klopp wasn’t supported he would walk

                                            I think fans want to see us spend like city and utd which is not realistic.

                                            First off Sean.I can only speak for my club.I’m told our revenues are fairly
                                            similar.So why can’t John Henry & co put it back into the team ?
                                            It’s probably going in their own pockets instead?

                                            Klopp spouts off in the press about not being able to compete with City (Newcastle & PSG)
                                            When if you checkout the excellent Swissramble www it confirms not only has
                                            he had your boys competing in the last five years.You’ve got a higher net spend
                                            over the last five years.

                                            One of my mates who’s a big Liverpool fan tells me Klopp wanted more control over
                                            transfers that’s why the DoF leaving? Only hearsay mind


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