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  • #177840
    Chucky McChuckface

      The dust has settled slightly, not a lot, but I’m still disgusted with my “club”…

      Can’t make my mind up if I’m going to go with Everton (might have a chance of winning something!) or Fulham… nobody else is putting any fizz in my beanz…. maybe even Forest.

      Decisions, decisions…


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        Dunno, Leyton Orient? Leeds – a team beginning with the letter ‘L’ but not Lesta! πŸ˜€


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          I might go for MalmΓΆ over here Chucky. It would seem weird not supporting a team that you dislike as much as Utd


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            Millwall for me, or Super Notts…..Pagan


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            nine nine nine

              If you’re a proper fan of a Club I can’t see how you can have new teams you’re with your team for life good or bad through thick and thin.


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                If you’re a proper fan, you can’t support a club that is one of the driving forces behind this crap.

                I’ve lost so much for United because of this. Simply a disgusting idea. If it goes through, I’m done with United and have nothing but disgust for the other clubs taking part in this.

                I can’t understand how you can hide behind a tired old phrase like “support your club in thick and thin” in a case like this. If you support United or Chelsea and say that, then it’s only through thick then, isn’t it?
                Close the gate behind you and make believe you’re a real supporter. Tell that to the clubs left behind and all the grass root level clubs out there.

                What Gary Neville said was spot on. Relegate the lot of them.

                But which other club to get behind? I don’t know.. It really doesn’t matter to me.


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                nine nine nine

                  Srd, don’t tell me “I’m hiding behind a tired old phrase like through thick and thin” and I’m make believing myself to be a real supporter.

                  I’ve been there when the Stamford Bridge was falling down around our ears, when we’ve been relegated more than the once, when we almost dropped into the third tier, when we almost lost Stamford Bridge and would have no Stadium to play in, when we were collecting money in buckets to try and save the Bridge. When I’ve queued all night for FA Cup tickets sleeping on the pavement.

                  It’s not a tired old phrase to me I have supported Chelsea through thick and thin whilst you’ve supported United from the comfort of you armchair in Denmark watching them on TV.

                  Chelsea are in my blood and my families blood I don’t agree with what is happening but I could never just pick another Club and say that’s who I’m supporting now Chelsea FC go much deeper than that in my life and my family’s lives!


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                    To play the game … it would be west ham for me


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                    Brian blue

                      Good response Nine, feel the same, I do not like what is happening without a clearer explanation, which we still do not have, even reading the City official page. I cannot say it will affect my viewing because I am old now and going to a football match is a bigger challenge than I need but after 76 yrs of City support I cannot just give that up. In that City history, like you, I have seen more nightmare performances than not. I think when the dust has settled and we know how the season will look, suspensions or not, most City fans will stay with the club. I still do not think it maybe as bad as everybody fears providing a compromise is found other than that I will off to the local Park to watch, after all, that is what I do with cricket. I also think that some of these banners are well wide of the mark…it has not been a “working class”game since the 1940″s and particularly the last 25 yrs when fans can buy and afford all the kit. That would have never been affordable in other era’a


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                        In all seriousness, I could never really support another club but I could definitely lose a lot of admiration and love for the club I support now. I know that I’ll always support them but I won’t feel that bond to them that I have had in the past.


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                          I support this new concept but not all the way purely because they were a bit unwise as to the way they went about it. But I follow my club till death do us part or even if they make a pact with the devil himself which they most certainly have not done. Far from that.


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                          Brian blue

                            ED…a natural sentiment for many I also keep asking myself the question
                            What is wrong about a new league?
                            Why cannot a team play in more than 1 league if it wants

                            Scap Euro Internationals
                            Scapulas some Domestic Cups

                            Years ago it was 42 league games a season, make it 36. Winners and runners up qualify for anything that need it
                            Relegation keep at 2
                            Squad number why limit it?


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                            Brian blue

                              Error. Scrap. some Domestic Cups.


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Interesting comments, cyber chums! And I do confess this thread was ever so slightly tongue in cheek.

                                However, I do have a problem with the logic of using the “supporting through thick and thin” logic when it’s applied to this current scenario as, for the life of me, I don’t see how my club taking 40 years of unwavering support and 100 plus years of the club’s history with a huge dose of the game itself and flushing it all down the toilet for what can only be described as greed can be applied. “Thin” certainly doesn’t come into the equation, not with 300 million bottle tops involved, and we’ll leave the “thick” open for debate.

                                My problem is very simply the idea of a “closed” shop, except the occasional visit from whoever gets the golden ticket. My club has ripped about the dreams of every other “non-special” club and their fans, has ripped apart one of the major factors of having a “national” league, has ripped apart one of the very foundations the sport was based upon. Sure, we’ll still have the “champions” which will absolutely be coming from sinister six forevermore, and leave absolutely nothing left for the “plebs” to play for, and come December when 2/3/4 for the sinister six have nothing to play for it will simply be a two-horse race. BORING!!

                                “Oh, you had a season to remember and finished 3rd? Well done, now back in your place, and while we’re at it, we’re going to buy all your players to make sure it never happens again.”

                                Will I actually end up supporting Everton or Fulham? Of course not, I have no affinity with them, just as I’ll have absolutely no affinity with some closed-shop fancy dandy tosspot league either. Will I probably read the highlights online and watch clips on Youtube? Probably, but that’s about as far as it goes now. No point watching the Prem, no point in watching the Super-Duper League, no point in watching anything.

                                And if Mr. Levy thinks I’m still going to buy shirts, pay subscriptions, etc… now that my role has been relegated to “legacy supporter”, then Mr. Levy can go and move to Malmo.

                                Finally, Buffy, Wet chuffin’ Spam? Really??


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                                  I’ll not quit ‘following’ City but I’ll almost certainly stop ‘supporting’ them, if they proceed with this SL. By that I mean I won’t renew my ST and not go to watch them live but I’ll still want them to win every game they play.
                                  Instead, I may buy a ST for my non-league club, the mighty Magpies from Chorley.


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                                    Well put GJ


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                                      999, I’m a member of the fanclub of my local club over here. So is my son. My own father took me to games.
                                      But if by some miracle my club over night became big enough to be considered in the same breath as the Uniteds and Real Madrids and wanted to be a part of the SL, then it would be over with that love story. So don’t think I’m someone that just knows football from what I can see from my armchair. United is my second club (And that’s it. There’s no third)

                                      The Super League is just plain wrong. Florentino Perez now even speaks of cutting games shorter to make the game more appealing to young viewers.
                                      This idea is only about pure greed and creating a monopoly that screws every other club outside of the chosen few from premier league to grass root level.
                                      That’s why this goes beyond the “through thick and thin” and that’s why I feel it’s a tired old phrase in this connection. I’m sorry if it offended you, but I really think that in a case like this there is no middle ground. You’re either with it or against it. If you keep going to games and buying the shirt, then you’ve made your choice.

                                      And like Chucky I have no affinity with any other English club, so I guess I’d be supporting the team that plays the most exciting kind of football from my POW.


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                                        Yeah, I was thinking that too Chucks, just a bit of light-hearted fun.


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                                          Yeah Nancy
                                          I got taken to watch them train when I was young
                                          They had Cottee ince Phil parks and others just knocking about in a field behind a low fence
                                          Always had a wee soft spot after that but in all honesty if just stop watching footy of the worse happened
                                          It’s struggling to keep my interest as it is


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                                          nine nine nine

                                            srd, no worries mate things get lost in posts and it’s an emotive subject, seemingly it’s beginning to go in the right direction now.


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