Home Community General Football Arsene Wenger – Cut The Man Slack.

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      Not or no Arsenal Fanbase represent, Ed.

      I’d say Wenger at times is better than Liverpool, because at lot of the time, he’s quick to answer his critics, straight away.


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        Would write Arsenal all in the slightest – need Arsenal Posters on here, so Ed, over to you.


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          Was meaning to say wouldn’t want to write off the Gunners. Too many anti at convenience in their comfort zone on here.

          Need a better and a much stronger representation.


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          Hightown hope



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            Chucky McChuckface

              Consciousness consists of morphic resonance of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an unveiling of the intergalactic. To navigate the vision quest is to become one with it. Spacetime requires exploration.
              You must take a stand against desire. We exist as electromagnetic forces. Nothing is impossible. The quantum soup is overflowing with pulses.

              Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the multiverse via a resonance cascade. Humankind has nothing to lose. Our conversations with other travellers have led to an invocation of pseudo-zero-point consciousness.

              If you have never experienced this fount of the creative act, it can be difficult to reflect. Have you found your journey? Although you may not realize it, you are internal.

              The goal of frequencies is to plant the seeds of insight rather than bondage.
              This quest never ends. We are being called to explore the grid itself as an interface between health and choice. It is in redefining that we are guided.

              It is a sign of things to come. The future will be a quantum unveiling of will. Eons from now, we adventurers will reflect like never before as we are re-energized by the quantum soup.


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                True, but the former gunners are now gummers and in truth all positive things are but how beautiful are they these ducks in the mist?

                A fish says goodbye.


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                Chucky McChuckface

                  And the dolphins are grateful.


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                    There’s definitely a trophy in him this season.


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                      Mesut Ozil 🙂


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                        Completely agree with all of the above


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                          Me too,God bless America!


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                            Kylie-“pseudo-zero-point consciousness”-Cool idea for a book title!


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                              Nil-They are 24 pnts behind the leaders,is a joke of a team/manager.


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                                It would have been an even more interesting read had the title been “Arsene Wenger – cut the man sack”.


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                                  Walcott, Ox-laid and Sanchez have left, but I reckon he’ll get more out of Mkhitaryan, Aubameyang, and Lacazette who incidentally should have been picked ahead of Iwobi. Ramsey is more of a mature player, but I wonder if he and Wilshere were to join forces in that midfield role.

                                  Wenger needs to bulk up the squad – could all in all be a bit if a mini-revival and could surprise a lot of doubters out there.


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                                  nine nine nine

                                    Letting circa half a dozen players go into the last year of their contracts is more than poor. Sadly Wenger has severely tarnished his legacy at Arsenal because he was too stubborn to know when to say goodbye.

                                    Arsenal fans are the only ones who can credibly respond but the fact that there have been marches against Wenger and all the banners tell their own story which is the Arsenal fans want Wenger gone.

                                    Not an area probably that opposition fans should get involved in imo it’s an Arsenal issue and the Arsenal fans have to decide whether they want Wenger out or not.


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                                      For years Wenger has been mostly suited as an ambassador or something like that for either the French National Knitting Team or The French Brie Society. He has taken Arsenal back so far that it’s not even funny anymore. I doubt Henrikh Mikhtaryan (spelling?!?!??) and Aubameyang will change anything while Wenger is in charge. For years good players either leave Arsenal or become mediocre.


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                                        He must be and remain as Arsenal Manager for some reason.

                                        Not of all you, but a lot of you take the pleasure in his failings in which I don’t.


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                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          From what I saw of the Goonie/Toffee game, both Micky and Boomerang looked decent and certainly gave the Goonies a different “looking” side. Next’s weeks NLD is going to be really interesting now!


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                                          nine nine nine

                                            Micky and Boomerang.?


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