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Chucky McChuckface

    Finished the Spud game… absolutely “deserved” the 3 points, Sheffield were wasting time from the get go and how their goalie managed not to get red-carded I do not know… got a yellow for a handball outside the box (which was “fair” as it didn’t deny a genuine goal-scoring opportunity) and then took about a minute for every free-kick/goal-kick for the next 60 plus minutes(except for the last 4 minutes when they were losing, he suddenly remembered how to run then!).

    Got to say the ref had a mare, most of the “calls” seemed to go Sheffields way, but as Spuds were doing most of the “playing” that was expected, although he seemed to get a couple wrong in the other direction too…

    As for the Spuds, looking forward to the next two games against the Goonies and Micky-Mousers, let’s see how far we may or may not have come… doubt either game is going to be 0-0 and can’t wait to see how this teams plays against teams that are going to leave a bit more space at the back…


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