Home Community Non-Football Covid 19 – Moving Forward

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  • #181752

      Masks won’t be Mandatory in England going forward from this coming Monday.

      Divided opinion breaking out which is what you’d expect at the best of all in Peace

      There are reports of cases in the Negative.

      In my Heart of Hearts Personally, I’m not ‘Jumping For Joy’ and feel a sort of full-blown lockdown once again come end of September or thereabouts.


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      nine nine nine

        Too much too soon imo Nil.


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          Nine, completely with you mate.


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          nine nine nine

            A summary of today’s developments
            The number of people in hospital with coronavirus could reach β€œquite scary” levels within weeks, Chris Whitty has said. The chief medical officer said England’s coronavirus crisis could return again surprisingly quickly and the country is β€œnot yet out of the woods”.
            Bulgaria has banned UK travellers from entering the country due to concerns about the growing number of coronavirus cases in Britain. It has put the UK on its high risk β€œred zone list” along with Cyprus, Spain, Fiji and Kuwait.
            Of the 380 local authority areas in the UK, 370 (97%) are now recording Covid-19 rates greater than 100 cases per 100,000 people. This is the highest proportion of areas above this level since late January.
            There had been a further 51,870 lab-confirmed Covid-19 cases in the UK, the government said. This is the highest daily figure since 11 January during the UK’s third wave.
            Numbers of the Delta variant in the UK have risen by 36,800 since last week to a total of 253,049, according to Public Health England’s weekly variant cases data.
            One in 95 people in private households in England – a total of about 578,000 – are estimated to have had coronavirus last week, official estimates show.
            Up to 1.6 million people in England have been told to isolate in a single week, Guardian analysis has found as the government said the Covid app is unlikely to be changed for weeks.
            Health bosses in Sunderland have asked staff to postpone holidays as the trust came β€œunder extreme pressure” due to a surge in coronavirus cases.
            A third (34%) Of people who self-isolated after coming into contact with a positive coronavirus case, around said they had gone on to develop Covid-19 symptoms.
            Bin collections across England have been hit by the so-called pingdemic as councils have been forced to suspend services because so many staff have been told to isolate by the NHS test-and-trace scheme.
            Boris Johnson’s plan to lift virtually all of England’s pandemic restrictions on Monday is a threat to the world and provides fertile ground for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants, international experts say.
            England’s R number has stayed roughly the same, according to latest figures released by the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage). The Guardian 16/07


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            Brian blue

              If they are so statiscally minded the figures should tell them all they need to know. This needs to be managed better and July19th is far too early to relax so much.


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              Brian blue

                Nine..I shall continue to wear mask and gloves when shopping until I feel we have better results


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                  I dont understand what’s happening. Infections and deaths are climbing again but they relaxing the restrictions and laws, big mistake, never really thought Boris is as dumb as he looks.


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                  nine nine nine

                    Brian, It all seems bonkers to me the Scientists are all against it. I’ve watched 32,000 standing and sitting side by side in the Golf and tomorrow there will be 100,000 doing the same at Silverstone????


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                    Brian blue

                      It is bonkers. All they are doing is passing the resposibity to the public and we all know most are idiots when it comes to acting sensibly.They worry about the economy but if we are all dead there will be no economy!!!!


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                        Agree Gents. Becoming tired of this shambles coming from the top end of the government. I’ll continue to wear a mask in public places.

                        At work however, it will vary and most probably be on and off. Breathing and communication has really hampered.


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                          I had both Pfizer jabs the only side effects I had so far and in all honesty my erotism has been greatly increased.


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                            Whilst we knew that the Pfizer jab is very effective against Covid, we now know it has no effect on being able to talk bollocks…….Pagan


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                              I don’t really have any answers, but this is ridiculously all over the place now.

                              The ‘Pings’ Track and Trace Apps. Surely their is a better way of managing this?

                              The logistics of it all and actually supplying Groceries is the problem at the moment and because of these halts and disruptions is why there are empty shelves.

                              Our deliveries at work have been out of sync for weeks and we’re having to face irate customers and having to keep them sweet frontline. More pressure piled on to get things put away.

                              The Supermarkets are looking ghost-town with the unsettlement and chaos.


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                              Brian blue

                                Nike..it is also a way of extracting more money from us and blame everything on Covid when better management all round would have the answer. There aremore than a few makeing lots of money out of misery and chaos.


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                                  Is anyone on here a provisional tax payer or know what it actually entails?


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                                  Brian blue

                                    Blaze…my view is….you either pay tax or not…..no such a thing as provisional. If I pay tax then I am a tax payer


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                                      Blaze do a quick google
                                      It’s basically tax on a non salary earning
                                      Maybe a holiday let or something


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                                        Brian, it resembles to last year when the pandemic broke. There are fragmented shelves that usually occupy well-known regular lines. It’s not just one Supermarket.

                                        People panic buying doesn’t help. The deliveries worryingly are drip-fed, although the stocks there and already been picked from the warehouses, but it’s actually the distribution. Lorry Drivers have been taken for granted for far too long.


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                                          There are Citizens I do come across in still wearing Masks and Ultra Kudos to them.

                                          What I am Experiencing certainly in my Geographical Surroundings is Abundance of Pedestrians and Traffic. I was driving past the previous area built up area I lived in and it I just gazed in deep thought as to what has come.

                                          Inner City.

                                          We are more than in a World of Chaos.

                                          If there’s spare Greenland and open space, then I am the first. This Country is well and Truly Destroyed. The Government are Cartoon. The USA President; Oh My Gosh.


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                                            Is the Chelsea/Arsenal game still on? A football friend said it may be off as both clubs have players that have tested positive. I don’t myself just checking.


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