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Home Community Non-Football Prince Harry Interview/Controversy Reply To: Prince Harry Interview/Controversy

Mikus LFC

    I think as someone said, the Royals are privileged but are imprisoned by gold bars. That’s the deal. They are obviously very fortunate to be born into what they have, but then they are also very limited as to what they can do. One can sympathise with that, and we all have our problems. I think it’s regrettable how he has dealt with things because I think such things should be done in private with the family.

    As Nine said on the previous page though, a lot of this is rooted in the tragedy of the divorce of his parents and later death of his mother. So Harry has missed that crutch and support in his life. And whilst Prince William has also obviously been through the same thing, because he is much higher up in the succession, maybe he’s had more people around and he’s had more duties to carry out that have kept him busier which have perhaps helped him get on with his life. And Harry maybe hasn’t and sees himself as the spare as he says. As I say I don’t agree with the way he’s gone about all this now, but it seems to me he has lacked support in his life and the repercussions of that are now playing out.


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