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    Brian blue

      Swansea need a 10 goal swing from both games, which means them beating Stoke by a handsome margin and City loose by a good score against the and not score themselve Can Southampton relax or can Swansea do the impossible?


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        Personally i can’t see that happening, but in football never rule out anything. I prefer Southampton to stay than Swansea. I feel Southampton under Mark Hughes will do well. Stoke must be cursing their luck now. One team’s lose is another’s gain.


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          Brian, it’s certainly a possibility and one in which I wouldn’t rule out.

          I’m not sure away from home whether Manchester City will fare with a ‘luxurious’ type of a win as it is the tail end of the season with the Title celebrations and guard of honour already presented.

          Last weekend versus Huddersfield had a bit of an ‘end of term’ testimonial feel, but that’s not to take anything away from David Wagner’s men.

          Stoke unfortunately for them are a wounded animal, and it will boil down to exactly which team will want it the most.

          I get the feeling just thinking about this that this could be the 2 main SKY matches live, this Sunday.


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          Chucky McChuckface

            You three must be the most optimistic three people on the planet….

            There is nada, zilch, zero, nein, neit, and about a billion other phrases along the line of no chance in hell of that swing of 10 goals happening… if you all genuinely think it’s going to happen I suggest you all remortage your house and get your arse down the bookies, you’ll be the three richest men on the planet come Sunday evening! 🙂


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            Brian blue

              Chuky pal, I posted this question merely to highlight the only thing that is worth talking about for the last games of the season, like you I think it is more than remote but have been wrong before on such things, I do hope Southampton and Huges stay up because I think they have the better squad and manager and will do better next season. Swansea need to stabilize themselve


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              Chucky McChuckface

                Double B… if you’re wrong (or me for that matter) then I’ll marry Goose, okay? Never going to happen. I mean, in theory, I could marry Emila Clarke, hell, there’s probably better odds on me marrying Emila Clarke than there is of Swansea staying up. I’ll give you odds of a billion to one, send the money to Steady Eddy… he’ll pass it on! 🙂


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                  jog your memory mate re at least a few of the results of this season – uncharacteristic ones!


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                  nine nine nine

                    Duplicate post apologies. B****y smart phones. 🙂


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                    nine nine nine

                      There’s as much chance of Donald Trump starting for Chelsea in the FA Cup Final as there is of both scenarios arising and Swansea staying up! 🙂


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                      Chucky McChuckface

                        Silly-Nilly-Willy… go and get a thesaurus (the book, not the dinosaur) and look up the words “uncharacteristic” and “unrealistic”… big difference between the two, me auld mucker.

                        More chance of me being a Chelski fan than Swansea staying up… hell, more chance of Banjo moving to Malmo.


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                          Chucky! 😀 😛

                          It’s the swing us guys are referring to my dear friend. I actually want Swansea to get relegated, so it’s no skin off my nose, but was just thinking objectively that if Man City were to flourish with a 6-0 win and Swansea put 3-4 past Stoke, then anything could happen mate.

                          Wouldn’t be a bad final day excitement don’t you think seen as though many have now headed for the beach and Skegness, hahaha 🙂 🙂


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                          Brian blue

                            The equation is simple. Southampton is all about not to loose Think it wil finish a draw Swansea may well win but will never be enough


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                            Chucky McChuckface

                              Silly-Willy-Nilly… and if my Aunt had balls she’d be my Uncle… sure, anything is possible, but so’s winning the lottery… 🙂


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                              Brian blue

                                Chuky…I did not bank on last kick goal, we just about deserved it though but I am pleased it did not send Southampton down


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                                  Nice views Brian, nice views – Swansea are finally down and I will truly drink on that one 🙂


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