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      Any thoughts on silva ban?


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      nine nine nine

        Helpful to Chelsea??


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          Which Silva?There are so many of em,lol


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          sean the sailor

            Absolutely ridiculous city boy

            Disgraceful to be honest. Clearly he was joking with his friend


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              Should of been last week to add fuel to the Liverpool title conspiracy theories!

              I get that he was just joking with a friend, but then do it privately. He used instagram right? A medium were a lot of people could easily of been offended whether he meant it or not.

              Mav I’ll give you a clue, not Long John.

              edit: or Long Dong for that matter…


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                This is modern Western society for you. What an absolute bunch of wet bags people are. Do people not realise that they are only fueling racism by being so UBER sensitive about anything race related?

                This tweet was not racist. The people who are offended by it are the biggest of idiots. Just because people are offended, doesn’t mean they have good cause to be. When I saw the tweet, I knew he was in trouble. I didn’t think “Oh he shouldn’t have said that” because I felt that he said anything wrong but only because I know how people love to be offended about certain issues.


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                  Political Correctness is Tiresome. I wonder whether this is driven from the Capital and/or Left Wing Socialists.

                  This is absolutely nothing. We used to have this type of Banter on a Sunday Afternoon at the Local Park with our School Mates. They were probably the better times of my life.

                  Makes you think about the irony in the way BBC for example projects itself now when broadcasting. There’s a lot that was let slip once upon a time during the 70s and the 80s, probably even the 90s.

                  Mobile Phones and Social Media.


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                    Mak, we have to do all this diversity and inclusion stuff at work, it’s all very cleverly put together so that anyone who doesn’t just nod their head and agree with everything being said comes across as extreme right wing….Pagan


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                      Agree with Threeps on this one. The tweet was not meant to be racist but it was a bit naive to post it on social media. He should have sent it by private text.


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                      Brian blue

                        In this country of ours we have been taken over by clowns


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                          Brian, I wish my Existence in Adulthood fell in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

                          I probably would have been a lot Happier πŸ™‚


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                          Brian blue

                            Nil…in my experience the best football crowds for behaviour and friendliness was up to 1952 after that, it went downhill The late 60s probably started it though


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                              “Political Correctness is Tiresome. I wonder whether this is driven from the Capital and/or Left Wing Socialists.”

                              I’m not entirely sure that my political beliefs fit into any one system but I would largely align with socialism, on some degree. The extreme “left” in America in particular are absolutely not socialists, even if that’s what they might call themselves with pride, whilst the other side call them the same thing with vitriol. The hard left in America are closer to fascism than liberal socialism and they are the main drive behind political correctness going totally off the rails.

                              It’s natural for people to want to feel passionately about something but outrage for outrage sake, is destructive to our values. There is nothing but disdain for the thoughts and opinions of “boomers” by millennial’s. I don’t know if anyone here reads Reddit but it’s basically the worlds largest forum that functions as a massive echo chamber for half baked thought. These are people that need to know that experience is something of value.

                              The world is becoming a dumber and dumber place. This is why I am in favour of many lightly socialist ideals. If we dont prioritize basic education, we are only setting our population up to be mediocre. I would just love to hear a politician stand up and say “I’m going to tax you as much as I can in order to educate your children”.

                              I’d vote for that guy but nobody else would, hence why it’s never happened.


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                                What purpose does the penalty serve? ONE game for what? the FA is only penalising the club and its fans with that. 50k a week’s pocket money, totally irrelevant from a financial aspect for the player. Only the education programme adds value for what was a very minor issue. The education programme is all that should have been handed down.


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