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      The cheque!


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      Hightown hope

        It’s pathetic on the part of Neymar. He already has more money than he could ever spend, he’s already playing at one of the best clubs in the world, and he chooses to play in Ligue Un. Poor professional decision on his part in my humble opinion


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          Do you think you’ll manage to hang onto Coutinho Hightown? It’s looking less and less likely


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            I can understand why he wants to be out of Messi’s shadow, but PSG? It’ll be hard to use them as a stepping stone considering his fee, too. Unless there is a release clause in his deal which is not a crazy figure.


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            Hightown hope

              Ed…I really don’t see our Phil as a Neymar replacement. Different sort of player on the field, and just as relevantly different sort of person off the field. By that, I mean he is less marketable than Neymar…less showy, less brash, less cocky, shyer if you like. I’ve hardly ever seen an interview with Phil in the 5 years he’s been at Anfield. ..that won’t sell the shirts!

              Of course, the other point is that he isn’t, as yet, half the player Neymar is. I just think it would be a strange move by both parties. If he were to win the league at Anfield ( a big if I know before you all jump on that!), they would name a stand after him and he would be forever remembered and adored. At Barca, they expect it at least every other year. Would he get in the Barca team? Guess he would at €100+m but then that is teal pressure.

              Still hoping for another season from him at Anfield then we sell him for €200m!!


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              Hightown hope

                Proves what I know! Just heard Phil has handed in transfer request! Ignore the post above!!



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                  I’d agree with you Hightown that Coutinho is far from a direct replacement for Neymar. The thing is, I’m not sure if there is one. With Barca seemingly after ex Spurs midfielder Paulinho, 29, added to the loss of Neymar you have to wonder if they’re losing their way a bit as a top club. The ideal replacement from the brand perspective would be a Hazard or Dybala type of signing but I’m not convinced they’d be able to tempt either of those to join at the moment.

                  Jesus at City would probably have been the more likely heir to Neymar’s throne had he had a couple of decent PL seasons under his belt. Coutinho is a great player and while maybe not being the perfect fit to fill Neymar’s shoes, he may be all they have left to go for.


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                  Hightown hope

                    See my second post a few minutes ago!


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                      Just spotted that one! Probably not all that surprising. Still, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll go. On a positive note, it must surely mean Liverpool will have lots of cash to blow in the final few weeks of the window. They will badly need a marquee signing. Aubameyang would have been a good one but he seems to have committed to Dortmund now. Surely Liverpool won’t go all out for Mbappe?


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                      Hightown hope

                        ‘Open to move’ apparently so not quite a transfer request but it looks like it’s happening.

                        Mbappe? Can’t see it in all honesty. We’re not quite dining at the top table yet so can’t really see why he would come to us.

                        Doom, gloom and misery in the Hightown hope household now!


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                          Yeah not looking good then. Will be a huge last few weeks of the window for a lot of clubs. Could be some big deals still to come.

                          P.S. Hightown I sent you an email re club pages. Let me know what you think

                          P.P.S I’m changing the name of this topic to “Transfers 2017” so we can use it for more than Neymar posts.


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                            Bale to Utd? Stranger things have happened but whenever he’s been asked about it he’s always seemed so determined to stick it out there. Big risk though with the injuries he gets


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                              If I were a Barca fan I’d be very underwhelmed at Coutinho coming to replace Neymar.

                              Someone like Hazard would seem a better fit.


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                                I think it goes to show the lack of great wingers there are.


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                                  Bale will only leave Madrid if Mbappe joins, which looks off for this year. For a fee of that size you’d want two great seasons at least!


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                                    @Alfie, certainly looks that way with Mbappe/Bale. Will be nice to see someone like Mbappe stay for once, especially with Monaco having lost all their other young stars. Could be a tough second season for the boy with all that extra pressure


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                                      So Barca’s 2nd bid was £90m . . what a joke. Are they lowballing this badly because they know Coutinho will really push for a move or is £90m a lot more in La Liga than it is in the PL?

                                      What do they think could possibly motivate Liverpool to see for that? We couldn’t dream of getting a quality replacement for anything like it. I wouldnt want to sell for £150m but it’s around there that I might just start accepting things.

                                      Coutinho is maybe 1-2 years away from becoming a genuine world class player but even before then, he’s already one of the best players in the PL. He’s recently captained Brazil and in todays climate, Barca think £90m is big bucks to us? That’s Van Dijk plus contract without bonuses.

                                      What do the non Liverpool fans think of this?


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                                        It’s a difficult one Mak. On one hand, if you are ever going to replace him with a player of similar quality, it may be better to do it now while you have the attraction of Champions League to offer. With so many top teams now, you may not make top 4 this season and it could make replacing him even harder.

                                        On the other hand, as crazy as it sounds to say it, £90mil at this stage of the window is not going to go far with everyone knowing you’ve loads of money and very little time to spend it. All in all, I think Liverpool are doing the right thing, but it seems inevitable that the move will happen, whether now or within the next 12 months.


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                                          What’s everyone’s take on the Danny Rose interview?


                                          It must make difficult reading for Spurs fans who just lost Kyle Walker. The whole “playing up north” thing is a bit strange too. Has somebody been in his ear offering him a much better wage? I don’t like the way he spoke out in public but in many ways it’s inevitable the Spurs players will start to get itchy feet when they can earn 2/3 times more at another club.


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                                          Hightown hope

                                            That’s a very strange interview, isn’t it? Issuing a come and get me plea, as they say! I can understand an agent or a player saying that to the club, but why would you say it to the Press?


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