Home Community Liverpool Liverpool V Everton – FAC 3RD Round Friday 5th – 19:55 – BBC


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      Nice for this Cup tie first of all to fall into the lap of one of the Terrestrial channels – makes a change!

      Everton I believe will hope they can take the game back to Goodison whilst replays are still going ahead at the early stages of the competition.

      No Salah, No Coutinho, but the long awaited appearance in a Liverpool shirt could be for Vigil Van Dijk.

      I think we have enough quality and players on to fire into the back of the net though it could be a long night but enough for us to get over the finishing line and into round 4.


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      nine nine nine

        Be interesting to see the team selections because previously Klopp has selected weakened line ups for FA Cup games.

        I would say this season subject to the draws being reasonably favourable Liverpool have a great chance of winning the FA Cup and it’s their best chance of winning a trophy if Klopp selects strong teams.

        Everton have the ability under Allardyce to frustrate Liverpool but I doubt they’ve got enough attack wise to beat them.

        Straightforward Liverpool win for me providing Klopp selects a reasonably strong team.

        I’m really not sure about FA Cup ties being played on a Friday night though it’s more than a tad unfair to the match going away fans albeit this game being a local Derby avoids that problem but unfortunately football dances to the TV companies tune “he who pays the piper” and I can see why a Friday night game appeals to them.


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        Big Jim

          A derby helps but it’s not perfect. Most decent sized premier league clubs have large numbers of fans that live away from the ground. As you state nine its sadly TV companies calling the shots again im affraid.


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            Pain in the arse the match being on a Friday evening. At the moment I work in London most weeks, and go home Friday evenings – first week back its hard to be ducking out early for the footy.
            Least it cheers up my son as he will be taking my season ticket and going himself – he’s seen more games this season than I have!

            We should smash Everton, but a few of our key players missing (and everton throwing in the towel against United and resting players) will even it up a bit.


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              Blooming woke me up at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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                At least a Ref that I can trust that WILL award a Penalty. Same guy I saw back at the King Power some weeks back. Not the most popular, but doesn’t think twice.

                BUS PARKERS: GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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                sean the sailor

                  Didn’t think it was a pen. Just like everyone wasn’t a few weeks ago. Very soft

                  No idea how holgate didn’t get sent off for that. He didn’t even get booked. He could have seriously injured him


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                    Memorable 4-4 thriller 1991 right now.

                    This led to Kenny Dalglish handing in his resignation.


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                      Cottee in the early 90s was always a handful for Bruce Grobellaar and us – cue that altercation with Steve McMananaman.


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                        1991 was a bad year for us on the back of Kenny’s resignation. But I’m sure league-wise we were left with a good and a winnable position as far as the League Championship meant.

                        Ronnie Moran short term was godsend to keep everything afloat. It’s Souness that messed everything up for us with his anger and misery. It was all downhill for us, afterwards.


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                          Ah, semi sod this bollocks; this was always written on the cards. We’ll take the replay.

                          This is BUS PARKERS highlight in his entire life. He won’t do fuck all after that.


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                            *********** V I G I L – V A N – D I J K ***********


                            Van Dijk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Was this meant to be?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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                              Well that is half of the £75m Liverpool paid for Van Dijk returned. that is a big goal and may turn out to be a decisive one if Liverpool win this trophy.


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                              sean the sailor

                                Vvd did very well. Robertson and ox keep improving. Good games again from both

                                Can just switches off all the time.


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                                nine nine nine

                                  As debuts go they don’t get much better than that. Poor Keeping from Pickford though.


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                                    Thankful Thankful Thankful

                                    I’m just mesmerized by Van Dijk.

                                    He badly wanted the Liverpool move and that in itself is a trophy just for somebody wanting to give it their all in a Red Shirt.

                                    A True Warm Welcome.


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                                      Sam Allardyce on whether it was a pen: “Yes. Don’t put your hands on a forward when he’s in the box. Don’t mess with him, push him or shove him. He had no need to do it. Credit to Craig Pawson for giving it at Anfield.” ? going on big sams definition of a pen a few weeks ago.

                                      Amazingly he now feels different – bit of karma for Sam!

                                      Christ, looks like Nil is on the sauce tonight!!


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                                      sean the sailor

                                        Firmino could be in trouble. No idea what was said but fa investigating

                                        Holgate was furious but how was he not booked for that shove

                                        Everton are terrible. Delighted we beat them


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                                          Doesn’t look too good but apparently, Firmino was alleged to have said something racist.

                                          This seems all Alladyce to me, teaching his players to play in such way – dirty.

                                          Didn’t Claridge a few weeks back mention of Everton being the worst team he saw – awful and can’t stand them.


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                                          nine nine nine

                                            Come on Nil if a racist remark was made and it will be investigated to establish that you can’t pass it off with ” this seems all Allardyce to me”


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