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  • #4139
    Hightown hope

      Just about to head off to the game, and I’m hoping for a great atmosphere. The Anfield Wrap are calling this game the biggest Liverpool game since the Europa final 18 months ago, and I guess in terms of reards it is. It’s the culmination of the team’s efforts last season. If they f*** it up now, then all that hard work and angst last season was a waste of time and effort.

      Unlike league matches, I go in the Kop for the cup games. I thought the crowd were poor on Saturday against Palace, but under the lights in a European game, it should be better. Back on here at some point tomorrow. Do the non-Liverpool fans on here, especially the United fans, want Liverpool to get through tonight or not?


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      Chucky McChuckface

        Good luck, be safe, and I hope you knock out the Jarmins…


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          Wow just Wow, Absolutely Devastating First 20 Minutes.


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            Liverpool brilliant for that opening 20. Should be well on their way to booking their place in the group stage draw for tomorrow now. Liverpool playing like that will be tough for any of the top sides to come up against


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              I actually missed the Hoffenheim Goal as well 🙂


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                Excellent First half,Movement and creativity have been very good,Mane’s pace is frightening at times and Trent and Moreno have been very good getting forward,Hoffenheim have had their moments too and I can see more goals in this One.


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                nine nine nine

                  Nobody will want to draw Liverpool out of Pot 3 tomorrow evening.


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                    That was just wow 😀

                    Missed that little chunk of the game where we score 3 vital goals and was at the point of settling when Hoff got a goal back.

                    Would love us to double our lead and just have some fun 🙂


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                      Tie definitely over I suspect


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                        Slight napping there letting in a second goal, however use this as a cue to re-ignite and see off the tie.

                        Very quiet and in close down mode.

                        Just a matter in essence seeing this off academically.



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                        Oz Yob

                          Typical Liverpool performance really, awesome going forward but terrible at the back.
                          We are through though so that’s the main thing.


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                            Great win,Some really good attacking stuff played,Hoffenheim at times looked dangerous and probably deserved their Two Goals,Into the Pot Tomorrow and let’s see what develops.


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                              We are back in the bigtime – believe!

                              Let’s now go out there and give it our all whatever tie is thrown at us.

                              In essence, as far as the CL goes, we’ve lost our mojo a fair bit since the departure of Rafa.


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                              Scouser in exile

                                I’ll take that, great going forward, shite at the back so situation normal! Have to be better than that at the back against the gooners though I can see us scoring a couple against them.

                                YNWA RIP the 96


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                                J C

                                  That first 20 minutes, or so, was the best football I’ve seen under Klopp.

                                  Hoffenheim are no mugs, that was a big pressure game and the lads made it look easy.


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                                    Would anybody op for Rafa to return and join Jurgen Klopp.

                                    That’s a classic tug of war hahaha

                                    Kenny coming round to mediate 😀


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                                      Looking at the Pots for the Draw Tomorrow,I don’t think there will be any easy groups for any of the British Sides.I’m hoping We avoid a Group involving Bayern,Barca and Feyenoord.


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                                        Was very impressed with our attack sans Lallana and Coutinho!

                                        Mane was great as always, Firmino too. Can just kept getting into the right spots and Salah causing trouble…

                                        What a revelation Trent has been!

                                        Thought Moreno played well, except lost his concentration with that weird slide across the ball to open us up, same with Migs and the weird blunder drop.

                                        Like to give a special mention to Hendo, who showed just how valuable he is when he is fearless and up for it. Bossed the midfield, ran like a champion and made the last goal out of determination.


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                                        Oz Yob

                                          Just for something different whats the bet we get “group of death”, whilst manu will amazingly have the easiest draw of all English teams.


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                                            Don’t mind who we draw – rather go to the big stadia and play the big sides.

                                            Would be happy with Barca and Bayern – would be good to play against Phil once he finally goes.

                                            Hoffenheim had a rightback who was a worse fullback than Moreno !!


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