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      For me,the best manager on this planet,carismatic,modern,non-egoistical,funny.Improving players beyond recognition,and playing a style of football that is very pleasing to the eye.Firminho,Salah,Mane,just to mention a few that he has improved to world class level,and their value today must be running in silly numbers.
      A winner,a serious winner without having to throw billions of £££ to buy most expensive players for every position,what a manager!



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      Brian blue

        Maverick…there are a few clubs with exceptional recourses. Lets not get back to the money issue again….it is there, will remain there as a significant part of the game, like it or not.. Billions???? I think you have been to the Dianne Abbot school or mathematics


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          DoubleB-How much has Pep spunked?Why do you think I never wanted that virus called Jose @ United in the 1st place?Of course the connection with Chelsea was there,but I knew he was gonna ask for hundreds of millions of ££££ to buy new players,and not focus on improving certain players and giving youth a chance.I would say Pep is close to that amount on defenders alone,lol.


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          nine nine nine

            Unnecessary Mav and we’ve been here before.

            Nothing wrong with bigging up Klopp he deserves it but all Managers spend to their budget potential and however you cut it Pep is a great Manager who like Klopp has bought some terrific football to the PL.


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              But anyway,this thread is dedicated to Klopp & Liverpool,so if you dont like it,stay the fook away.


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                9s-I started the thread for whose fans who dont just support Liverpool,but who also love the way he does things.I know what hurts City fans,cos we are not bowing down to that Spanish prick called Pep.Whoever likes Pep can start threads of their own.


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                nine nine nine

                  “so if you dont like it,stay the fook away.”

                  Seriously Mav what’s that all about give your head a wobble!

                  As I said nothing wrong with bigging Klopp up he deserves it no need for the side swipes at Pep though if it’s a thread dedicated to Klopp and Liverpool.


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                    9S-Ed can ban me,but you cant,and like you said-its a thread dedicated to Klopp,nowt to do with fooking City or fooking Pep.


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                      Mav, Good Welcome Thread Mate.

                      If we think in Context of the last 30 years and from Kenny leaving in 1991, the 2 points that strike out to me is Improvement and Consistency

                      The way he’s tried to formulate a team is making every playing position strong as well as ethic, with professionalism, hunger, humbleness, but also the ability to compete, be resilient and show fight.

                      Klopp unlike his predecessors has improved Liverpool every season.

                      I don’t know once he reaches his pinnacle with Liverpool whether it will all rapidly fall apart. It’s always harder to sustain being at the top and you can be a victim of your own success.

                      There is no way every season, we can finish the league hitting 80-90 points.

                      Mav, a lot of the players mate also are hitting their late 20s, so maybe 2-3 years in them to be hitting Top Level with minimal injuries to their name. Like Alex Ferguson, could Klopp overcome the challenge in rebuilding a new Team and will he be there long enough in the first place, Time Will Tell.



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                      nine nine nine

                        Yet you introduced Pep into your first post and then amplified it from there.

                        Come on mate try and be a bit more reasonable this is not the you I know and there’s no need for this sort of confrontation.


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                        nine nine nine

                          Mav, this is a Church of many denominations and we all need to be sympathetic to that despite our Club loyalties.

                          I’m not sure where this is coming from or why but let’s leave it there and get back to honouring Klopp and the great job he’s done.


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                            9s-If you can delete my post about telling ALL City fans to fook off I would appreciate it,meant it for Peps lovers only.And yes,its about Klopp winning and playing amazing football,were Pep & City to have done it without spending billions,I would have done the same,without any hesitation.Thanks.


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                              9s-And no,I did not mentione Pep in my 1st post,since I have nothing against Pep or City,but as you well know I cannot stand Jose.Im sure most managers can achieve things like Jose does,and I believe Pep too,Bayern included,has spend well over a billion.


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                              nine nine nine

                                Mav, done as requested.

                                Tbh imo I think we’re lucky to have both Klopp and Pep in the PL with their teams playing the football that they do which often is a joy to behold.

                                Be great to see one or two other teams getting up or close to the Liverpool/City standards which would only be good for the PL although Leicester under Rodgers are giving it a real go. Cheers 9’s


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                                  Nil-If I were Klopp I would retire after this season,providing he wins the PL title.I mean what elese is there more to be won,Qarabao or whatever is called cup?


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                                    Tbh imo I think we’re lucky to have both Klopp and Pep in the PL with their teams playing the football that they do which often is a joy to behold. I agree mate,but glad Jose is nowhere near United any longer.A winner,yes,but I never liked managers that spend too much money,just look @ Lmaps.


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                                    Hightown hope

                                      To be fair to Mav, it wasn’t him who mentioned Pep.

                                      Anyway, as this thread is a love-in to Jurgen, I’ll just re-iterate what Mav has said about him. He has an exceptional record in the transfer market with, off the top of my head, only Karius being a complete disaster (mind you, that was a disaster that cost us another Champions League!). When he has spent big, really big, i.e. Allison and Virgil, it has been to great effect. Mane, Salah, Fabinho and Wijnaldum as his mid level signings were all slightly underwhelming to many Liverpool fans when they happened, and look at them now, and the bargains of Robbo and Matip have been brilliant for us. As Mav says he has markedly improved players like Trent, Robbo, Hendo, Wijnaldum, Firmino, Salah and Mane.

                                      Players appear to want to play for him and enjoy playing for him which helps with his recruitment, though credit should also be given to Michael Edwards, the sporting director. Even the £4m we paid for Solanke was a bargain as somehow, Bournemouth were persuaded to pay £19m for him a couple of years later!

                                      And, above all, I just think he is a really nice, genuine bloke. It seems that everyone who meets him have nothing but good to say about him. I can recommend on BBC Sounds an interview released a couple of days ago by Colin Murray ‘At Home with Jurgen Klopp’. He just comes across as a good, socially aware, caring guy. What’s not to like? It’s true that the media do love him, and I can understand rival fans maybe getting a little fed up of that, but there is not a club in the world who would not love to have him as their manager. It was the best thing FSG have ever done for Liverpool, getting him to join our club.

                                      I love his passion, I love his honesty, I love his interaction with the crowd and indeed, his understanding of the Liverpool crowd, but above all, I just think he’s a great fit for Liverpool, and his legacy, ultimately, at Liverpool could be as great as Shankly’s is – I really believe that.

                                      Anyway, love letter to Jurgen over! Sorry to the oppo fans on here, and I would expect a bit of a backlash from one or two, but as Mav says…you didn’t have to read this thread!!


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                                      nine nine nine

                                        Mav, yeah agree and I entirely get where you’re coming from, personally I would prefer to see a full team of Chelsea Academy produced players challenging for the title but unfortunately that’s not realistic be it Chelsea or anyone else, closest we got to that was the Class of 92. Cheers 9’s


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                                          For me it will be interesting to see if Klopp can sustain success, he has put together a fantastic side, however in the years to come as the players age and maybe get a bit comfortable it will interesting as I say to see how ruthless he will be with the players that have served him so well, that was Ferguson’s strong point, no sentimentality….Pagan


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                                            I love his passion, I love his honesty, I love his interaction with the crowd You left out his wife,is she any sexy?Hehehehe!
                                            HH-There is only one man in football management I cannot stand,his name is Jose.There is still a possiblity that either of him or Pep can win the CL this season,and if that happens I would have to bite my tongue and congratulate Jose.


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