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    Social Media vitriol once again rears it’s ugly head. On X for example, Klopp has been called a bottler for not going 8 points clear. You really please people. So called Liverpool supporters too. We don’t need fans like that. Okay so in hindsight, he may have got his selection wrong, but that’s life. We played Arsenal and a Top Team.

    I’m not interested in what people say. What ever people’s opinions are Man City have the experience and have been their and done that, but with 22 games in, I don’t see them 15 points clear.

    Liverpool back in 2022 were I think 2nd chasing a 14 point lead and right to the final day, Matty Cash gave hope and we were very close to winning it. I don’t recall after 2018 any other team in frequency challenging Man City the way Liverpool have done.


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