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Home Community Liverpool Klopp to leave at the end of the season Reply To: Klopp to leave at the end of the season


    Jesus, don’t tell me Klopp is going to Barca.

    I just remembered there a few mins ago that Klopp is leaving. It is the worst thing that’s happened to us for as long as I’ve been a fan.

    The clubs revenue has already been smashed to pieces, with Spurs catching up with us and other passing us out. The lack of CL football this season will have cratered it too, so will we be able to spend as much as will be needed in order to give the new manager the players that he needs?

    If Klopps backroom staff are leaving with him then he already has a job lined up. They wont all be taking a year off. So this Barca news is kinda depressing. Maybe at this stage in his life he just wants a change to a nicer climate, with Barca in need of a rebuild.

    Meh. It’;s all bad.


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