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Home Community Liverpool Klopp to leave at the end of the season Reply To: Klopp to leave at the end of the season

Mikus LFC

    Why I say Ange Ed is because I think he’s actually got the criteria to work well at a big club. He’s clearly a very good man manager and communicator, and he’s clearly a big personality with the fans. Those attributes go a long way for me and are Klopp like attributes. I concede tactically is where I would worry a bit but with our fans behind him I just think it could work well. There may not be as many CL finals but he could do a good job for a few seasons while we potentially found someone better. I’d still probably favour Alonso because there would be that fear of him going somewhere else and lighting up the world, and he’s always had that demeanour that he could be a good manager one day. Might be a touch soon for him but if he’s good enough, he’s good enough.


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